Price Quoting
Reminder Calls
Jotform Scripts
When you are on the phone with someone and tell them about the form:
"As a new color guest, we require you to complete a pre-visit survey so your stylist knows what you are looking for. After they review this they can give you a price range for your service. Would you prefer that survey via text or email?"
Here are some potential scripts for when you send our consult form. I would try and keep our messages short, but make sure you get all the necessary details!
If you told them on the phone you would be sending them a form, you can keep it short.
**"Hi, (Client Name)! We are looking forward to seeing you on (Appointment Date/Time) with (Service Provider). Please fill out our consultation form prior to your visit. Let us know if you have any questions! ** - (Your Name, Annastasia Salon Front Desk)*"If you haven't talked to them already:
**"Hi, (Client Name) I am reaching out because we have you scheduled with (Service Provider) on (Appointment Date/Time). Prior to your visit, we will need you to fill out our New Guest Consultation Form. If you have any questions, please text or call us at this number! We are looking forward to seeing you! ** - (Your Name, Annastasia Salon Front Desk)
If you email it to them, you can tell them to call the salon with questions and provide our number.